Hospitality of Abraham Fund
We have built the beautiful edifice for our Church, and we now much do the harder work to build the Body of our Church. It is critical to actively build back the Holy Trinity Community, the Body of the Church. One mechanism to do so is to encourage the collaboration of the ministries to host community wide events that focus on fellowship (koinonia). Over the past couple of years, Holy Trinity’s Council
of Ministries has identified a number of Collaborative Community Wide events which have been very successfully implemented. However, there is no dedicated funding to support this effort. Therefore, for each event it has been necessary to not just engage the ministries and the community, as well as manage the events, but also to find resources to host the events. The Hospitality of Abraham Fund will
provide a means to fund these Collaborative Community Wide events to support their success and the long-term sustainability of the effort. The Hospitality of Abraham Fund will allow more members of our community to be active participants in koinonia by serving others and by engaging with one another.
Fiscal Goal:
The initial fiscal goal is to raise $10,000 to support this effort. Individuals in the community have already pledged support of the effort and having this fund in place will provide an account that funds can be dedicated to within the church accounting system. It is anticipated that the Hospitality of Abraham Fund will be renewed over time through targeted donations such that funds will be available to continue this effort. Having this dedicated fund will greatly reduce the number of fiscal asks of our community and ministries and be a much more efficient and sustainable approach to support Collaborative Community Wide events over time.
Fiscal Management:
This fund will be a held as a sub-account within the church accounting system and will follow the general account management procedures in place by the Church office and approved by the Parish Council. It will not have its own bank account. The funds and activities will be operated through the reserve account labeled Hospitality of Abraham. Collaborative Community Wide events that will utilize this funding will be identified by the Council of Ministries and expenditure of funds will be approved by a parish priest or his designee and the Parish Council. Procurement will be by church check or credit card or by reimbursement or by additional standard mechanisms managed by the Church office and approved by the Parish Council.
Support our collaborative community events by donating to the Hospitality of Abraham fund by clicking on the paypal link below.